John Geekiel Art

Please have a look at my ART blog which shows views of Beverley.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

More late evening sightings

Walking down Willow Lane as dusk is falling with a looming thunderstorm approaching I hastened my little excursion to walk George. However, the heady fragrance of May blossom and the atmospheric quietness made me linger. I immediately saw a very quick water vole jump into the stream and then hide among dense vegetation growing from the water. Moving on I saw another vole, and then listened. A song thrush was singing, the variety of it's song became mesmerising and I stopped to try and record the sound. Robins, great tits and warblers, possibly a whitethroat sang in the background. As the light began to fade I was aware of the small flitting shapes of bats feeding. These bats were much smaller than ones seen nearby a couple of days earlier.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Several sightings

This morning I saw two water voles at the nature reserve end of Willow Lane. The days leading up to today have also provided views for several other people. We can reliably say that there are as many as ten voles along this length of the stream.

Here are some excellent recent pictures from BWS.